Oceanic OCS dive mode

Jef Driesen jef at libdivecomputer.org
Fri Jun 2 02:48:53 PDT 2017

On 2017-06-02 11:03, Kristaps Dzonsons wrote:
> After finding that our Oceanic OCS (model 0x4450 as in the source)
> produced garbage values when not in dive ("normal") mode, but was still
> producing a log of free dives, I found that the dive mode is indeed
> exported.
> With the enclosed patch, I'm able to properly process free dives, gauge
> dives, and normal dives with the proper sampling.  Yay!  I dove with
> another computer at the same time and compared the results, just to be 
> sure.

The patch looks good, so I applied it. Do you mind sending a memory dump 
of your dive computer? For regressions testing.

> That being said, I've also enclosed the vendor data being exported with
> each sample.  Does anybody have an idea what the latter two bytes might
> mean?  The former is the depth in 1/16ths foot.  I figured on it being
> temperature or maximum depth, but can't correlate.

The value 0x5702 reminds me of the DTR (Dive Time Remaining) field. 
Interpreting 0x5702 as little endian, gives 599 and that's the default 
value for the DTR at the start of the dive. The upper 4 bits might be 
some different field.

I've no idea what DTR would mean for freedives. Have you checked what 
the Oceanic software shows?


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