NitekQ sample logs...

Jef Driesen jef at
Tue Jan 28 23:39:56 PST 2014

On 2014-01-29 03:17, William Perry wrote:
> Are you still looking for NitekQ sample logs?  I just purchased a few
> to use on my technical dives, and a friend has a new one as well.  No
> ‘real’ dives on them yet, but there should be some soon.

Yes, I'm still looking for Nitek Q data. The support for the Nitek Q is 
almost ready, but I'm still missing a few pieces of info here and there. 
I need some more data for that. A memory dump from a brand new unit, 
without any dives yet would also be interesting to have.

Download the nitekq test application here:

and run it with these options:

nitekq.exe -v -l nitekq.log -m nitekq.bin -b nitekq <serialport>


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