RE: Case #: 8713174786

devel 5loicmichel5 at
Tue Nov 21 09:31:55 PST 2017

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Internet Crime Investigation Center
Minneapolis  Ste.  1265
132 Washington Ave, West
MN 55521
Telephone: +18883089044
Fax: +18883089044

October 22, 2017

Case  Number: 8733174167

The IP address registered on  your name was referred to the FBI's ICC Center (IC3) multiple times  as being a possible suspect of federal cyber crime.
Through investigation conducted by the Minneapolis Cyber Division of the FBI your  IP address was used to commit several  online   crimes. This investigation covers the time period from August 3, 2017 to the present.
We   appreciate your instant attention and cooperation while we are investigating this case. Please  contact us urgently , at telephone number listed above.

Sincerely, Sam Davis
Internet Crime  Investigation Center/Cyber Division
FBI - Minneapolis Suite 1172
111 Washington Avenue, East
MN  55982
Phone: +18883089044
Fax: +18883089044

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