Sentinel (and rEvo)

Jef Driesen jef at
Mon Nov 2 07:23:07 PST 2015

On 2015-11-01 10:53, Paul-Erik Törrönen wrote:
> Hello, finally got all the necessary pieces to do a log download on the
> Sentinel, and I followed the instructions on the libdive web-page.
> I captured the USB/serial traffic in 2 separate files, the first one¹ 
> is
> when the original piece of software (OPOS, Prolink) is fired up and
> connects to the rebreather.
> The second² is when I hit the dowload button on the OPOS and it fetches
> the (2) dives.
> ¹
> ²
> Regarding the rEvo, I probably will be able to borrow one diveCan SW 
> for a
> couple of days during the week, so I will get back to you regarding 
> that.

Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to look into adding a new 
communication backend. Sorry, but maybe you can have a look yourself?

I quickly ran your logs through my portmon parsing scripts, and it seems 
the dive computer sends back plain ascii data. The attached *.log file 
contains the I/O operations, and the *.txt contains the raw data 
received from the dive computer.

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