Problems while using divecomputer-simulator for linux

Venkatesh Shukla IIT BHU venkatesh.shukla.eee11 at
Sun Mar 30 11:17:02 PDT 2014

Hello guys

I am facing certain errors while trying to use simulator with universal script.
I have taken the following steps.

1. I git cloned the libdivecomputer repository. Then I used these
commands to compile
and build.
$ autoreconf --install
$ ./configure --enable-pty --disable-shared
$ make
$ sudo make install

2. Then I used socat to make virtual serial connections. I confirmed that files
ttyS0 and ttyS1 are present in /tmp folder
$ socat PTY,link=/tmp/ttyS0 PTY,link=/tmp/ttyS1

3. I attached binary of Suunto Gekko to /tmp/ttyS0
$ ./simulator-linux -b vyper -p /tmp/ttyS0 -l simulator.logs gekko.linus.bin
> backend=3
> devname=/tmp/ttyS0
> devtime=0
> systime=0
> model=0
> filename=gekko.linus.bin
> size=8192
> header=gekko.linus.bin.header, size=0
> systime=gekko.linus.bin.systime, ticks=0
> lines=0 0
> is_spyder=0

4. I tried to download the dive data present in this binary by using both
subsurface and the universal script.
$ ./universal -n "Suunto Gekko" -b vyper -l divedownload.log -d divelogs.xml
> DATETIME 2014-03-30T18:00:39Z (1396202439)
> VERSION 0.5.0-devel (fa90009c293a9ca1a4eaf49a478b381477695c0a)
> Opening the device (Suunto Gekko, /tmp/ttyS1).
> ERROR: Invalid argument (22) [in ../../source/src/serial_posix.c:415
> ERROR: Failed to set the terminal attributes. [in
../../source/src/suunto_vyper.c:121 (suunto_vyper_device_open)]
> ../../source/examples/universal.c:681: Error opening device.
> Result: Input/output error

It used to work earlier. I don't understand what went wrong. I also tried
switching to the release-0.4 branch. But the error persists.

Can anyone please help?

*Venkatesh Shukla B. Tech  ( Electrical Engineering )III YearIndian
Institute of TechnologyBanaras Hindu UniversityPh No. +91 8960 579 122*
*Email: venkatesh.shukla.eee11 at
<venkatesh.shukla.eee11 at>*
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