Working with bits

John Van Ostrand john at
Tue Jun 10 11:26:05 PDT 2014

Hi All,

Most of the configuration for the Cochran is stored in bits and I'm
wondering how experience programmers would handle this. Here's a sense of
the data:

short int a5 consists of
   byte 0 : alarm clock minute
   byte 1, bit 7: alarm clock on
   byte 1, bits 6-0: alarm clock hour

There are also 3 and 4 bit integers stored in bytes.

Finally there are decimals stored as
   byte 0: decimal fraction * 256
   byte 1: integer portion

I can create a function that extracts the bits into handy to use values and
another to insert the bits back in. I can also use a struct with bit

What would you suggest is the best and portable way to handle this?

John Van Ostrand
At large on sabbatical
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