NitekQ sample logs...

William Perry wmperry at
Sun Feb 2 08:12:39 PST 2014

Cannot seem to find the *.bin files on the mac - I will do another download under dtruss and see where it might be hiding them.  Failing that I will fire up a windows VM and grab them that way.  Tried to get in a few dives with it yesterday but our local quarry has 4-6 inches of ice covering it and I didn’t have all of my proper gear or buddies for ice diving.

When I do get to throw it in the water, would it help if I did some dives in metric and some in imperial?


On Jan 30, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Jef Driesen <jef at> wrote:

> On 29-01-14 18:24, William Perry wrote:
>> These were generated on my mac with the build from 06-Jan-2014.
>> ./nitekq -v -l nitekq.log -m nitekq.bin -b nitekq /dev/cu.usbmodem1411
>> The computer shows a single dive on air to 275 ffw for 1 minute on 22-02-2012
>> 06:36pm.  From the graph in Workbench it looks like the sampling was:
>> 80 ffw
>> 260ish ffw
>> surface
>> surface
> Great, I already discovered a bug in my code with your data. Since you are reporting depths in feet, I assume your nitek is also set to imperial? It seems the data is stored in the configured units (metric or imperial), so I need to find out how the units are stored.
> Can you send me the workbench data files. On my system they are located in this directory:
> C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\DiveRite\db
> There should be *.log files, one per dive.
> Can you also send me an new memory dump once you have done one or more new dives?
> Jef

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