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<span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">
<span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">
Hi Jef,<br/>
That's because I am an idiot. What an embarrassing start.</span><p><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;"> </span></p><p><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">The previous log file was from my Windows 10 laptop which did work. (but is far too large to take on holiday)</span></p><p><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;"> </span></p><p><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">Please find attached two log files of failures on my Windows 11 ARM64 tablet</span></p><br/>
Kind regards,<br/>
Stuart Burton<br/> </span><p><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;"><xhtml><head> <style title="rt_noDelete" type="text/css">
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</style></head><xbody></xbody></xhtml></span></p><blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix="> ">Stuart,</blockquote><p class="norm"><br/></p><blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix="> ">The attached log file shows a successful download without any errors. Is this log file from another download attempt than the one you are reporting? To be able to help with a failure, I need to see the log file from the failed attempt. Now I can only say the log shows no problem at all.</blockquote><p class="norm"><br/></p><blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix="> ">Jef</blockquote><p class="norm"><br/></p><blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix="> ">On 4/10/2024 18:26, Stuart Burton wrote:<blockquote class="Even QEven rt" prefix=">> ">Hi,<blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix=">> > ">Sven Knoch of divinglog.de suggested I ask here.<br/>
Having upgraded my tablet to Windows 11 ARM64 (from Android) I decided to > install Diving Log 6.0 to test for this years dive trip.<br/>
The dive computer is Suunto Zoop (not Novo)</blockquote></blockquote><blockquote class="Even QEven rt" prefix=">> ">I am using a USB interface from smartinterface.de and have loaded the latest > FTDI signed ARM64 drivers. The interface shows as a serial port on COM3.<br/>
The dive download fails with error ERROR: DC_STATUS_PROTOCOL after starting > communication.<br/>
Logfile is attached.<br/>
I have downloaded the latest libdivecomputer version from the Diving Log website.<br/>
The dive computer has plenty of battery life.<blockquote class="Odd QOdd rt" prefix=">> > ">Trying Suunto SDM3.1.0 shows some communication with the Zoop (serial number) > but does not download dives. There are 46 dives present on the Zoop.<br/>
I would be grateful for any help making this work.<br/>
Kind regards,</blockquote></blockquote><blockquote class="Even QEven rt" prefix=">> ">Stuart Burton</blockquote></blockquote><p class="norm"><br/></p></body></xhtml><br/><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">
</span><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;"><br/></span><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 12pt;">