[PATCH] Fix reading Cressi Leonardo data.

Jef Driesen jef at libdivecomputer.org
Mon Oct 2 03:14:58 PDT 2017


Glad to see you found a way to fix the problem!

However, I'm not really sure whether it's the right solution. You are 
calling the cressi_leonardo_transfer_prepare() function from inside the 
cressi_leonardo_packet() function. That means you're doing this for 
every single packet! But if the problem is only during the initial setup 
of the connection, then that's probably overkill. Note that due to the 
300ms sleep in that function, there is also a serious impact on the 
performance. So you are probably correct that the setup phase needs some 
tweaking, but I doubt this is necessary for every single packet.

I went back to have a look at some of the capture files I have, and the 
Cressi application doesn't seem to change DTR or RTS between packets. 
But it does this sequence at startup:

CREATE  Options: Open
SET_BAUD_RATE   Rate: 9600
SET_LINE_CONTROL        StopBits: 1 Parity: NONE WordLength: 8
SET_CHAR        EOF:0 ERR:0 BRK:0 EVT:0 XON:11 XOFF:13
SET_HANDFLOW    Shake:1 Replace:40 XonLimit:64 XoffLimit:64
SET_QUEUE_SIZE  InSize: 640 OutSize: 640
SET_TIMEOUTS    RI:-1 RM:0 RC:0 WM:0 WC:500
SET_BAUD_RATE   Rate: 115200
SET_LINE_CONTROL        StopBits: 1 Parity: NONE WordLength: 8
SET_CHAR        EOF:0 ERR:0 BRK:0 EVT:0 XON:11 XOFF:13
SET_HANDFLOW    Shake:1 Replace:40 XonLimit:64 XoffLimit:64
SET_QUEUE_SIZE  InSize: 640 OutSize: 640
SET_TIMEOUTS    RI:-1 RM:0 RC:0 WM:0 WC:500
SET_BAUD_RATE   Rate: 115200
SET_LINE_CONTROL        StopBits: 1 Parity: NONE WordLength: 8
SET_CHAR        EOF:0 ERR:0 BRK:0 EVT:0 XON:11 XOFF:13
SET_HANDFLOW    Shake:1 Replace:40 XonLimit:64 XoffLimit:64
SET_QUEUE_SIZE  InSize: 640 OutSize: 640
SET_TIMEOUTS    RI:-1 RM:0 RC:0 WM:0 WC:500
WRITE   7B 31 30 30 30 30 30 31 33 39 33 30 36 7D
SET_TIMEOUTS    RI:-1 RM:0 RC:10000 WM:0 WC:500
READ    7B 30 31 43 30 32 36 30 30 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 
46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 30 31 30 35 30 31 43 41 39 31 7D

So it first sets DTR and RTS:


(The fact that this happens a few times is probably due to use of some 
serial port package that doesn't change all settings at once. The 
libdivecomputer configure function does this with just one call.)

And then before sending the first command it toggles DTR:


And that might be the key to the solution, because libdivecomputer only 
does this:



So an extra SET_DTR and CLR_DTR at startup, with the right amount of 
delays in between, might already be sufficient.

There is also a difference in behavior in this area between the windows 
and linux serial port code. Those initial SET_RTS and SET_DTR are there, 
because the windows api automatically sets or clears RTS and DTR when 
configuring the serial lines settings (based on the dcb.fDtrControl and 
dcb.fRtsControl settings). But on linux, the DTR/RTS lines are left 
alone, and you need to control them manually. That might explain why 
everything works on windows, but not on linux.

So I think we need to do the following sequence:

SET_DTR <- This can probably be omitted, but it makes sure windows and 
linux behave the same

RTS only needs to be set once, but the dive computer probably reacts to 
the DTR toggling, so that's the part that matters I think. And we need 
some delays in between to make sure it doesn't happen too fast. When I 
reverse engineered this, I just looked at the final value for DTR (plus 
the initial set to get the same result on windows and linux), but now I 
think it's the toggling that does the trick.

So in libdivecomputer calls that would translate to the following 
sequence. First initialize the serial port settings, making sure windows 
and linux are the same:

dc_serial_configure (device->port, 115200, 8, DC_PARITY_NONE, 
dc_serial_set_timeout (device->port, 1000);
dc_serial_set_rts (device->port, 1);
dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 1);

Then discard garbage data as usual:

dc_serial_sleep (device->port, 100);
dc_serial_purge (device->port, DC_DIRECTION_ALL);

And finally toggle the DTR line:

dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 0);
dc_serial_sleep (device->port, SOMEDELAY);
dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 1);
dc_serial_sleep (device->port, SOMEDELAY);
dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 0);

I only don't know how long the delays should be, because I have no 
timing info in the capture file.

Does that make sense?


On 2017-10-01 13:38, Vsevolod Velichko wrote:
> Cressi Leonardo computers behave extremely unreliable if the dump is
> requested right after the connection establishment.
> The computer mostly sends nothing or sends garbage, so official Cressi
> software uses request of small device memory part as a ping until
> device become stable.
> And DTR flag should be reset before each request, or device wouldn't
> send any data in response.
> This patch fixes
> https://github.com/Subsurface-divelog/subsurface/issues/391 and
> probably all previous mentions of Leonardo problems.
> Signed-off-by: Vsevolod Velichko <torkvemada at sorokdva.net>
> ---
>  src/cressi_leonardo.c | 133 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
>  1 file changed, 89 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/cressi_leonardo.c b/src/cressi_leonardo.c
> index f21a223..14db35f 100644
> --- a/src/cressi_leonardo.c
> +++ b/src/cressi_leonardo.c
> @@ -44,7 +44,10 @@
>  #define RB_PROFILE_DISTANCE(a,b) ringbuffer_distance (a, b, 0,
> -#define MAXRETRIES 4
> +#define PING_ADDRESS 0x1000
> +#define PING_LENGTH 19
> +
> +#define MAXRETRIES 20
>  #define PACKETSIZE 32
>  typedef struct cressi_leonardo_device_t {
> @@ -74,6 +77,9 @@ static const dc_device_vtable_t
> cressi_leonardo_device_vtable = {
>  static dc_status_t
>  cressi_leonardo_extract_dives (dc_device_t *abstract, const unsigned
> char data[], unsigned int size, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void
> *userdata);
> +static dc_status_t
> +cressi_leonardo_transfer_prepare (cressi_leonardo_device_t *device,
> dc_context_t *context);
> +
>  static void
>  cressi_leonardo_make_ascii (const unsigned char raw[], unsigned int
> rsize, unsigned char ascii[], unsigned int asize)
>  {
> @@ -105,6 +111,13 @@ cressi_leonardo_packet (cressi_leonardo_device_t
> *device, const unsigned char co
>  	if (device_is_cancelled (abstract))
> +	// Prepare device for writing.
> +	status = cressi_leonardo_transfer_prepare (device, 
> abstract->context);
> +	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to prepare device for transfer.");
> +		return status;
> +	}
> +
>  	// Send the command to the device.
>  	status = dc_serial_write (device->port, command, csize, NULL);
>  	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> @@ -141,6 +154,37 @@ cressi_leonardo_packet (cressi_leonardo_device_t
> *device, const unsigned char co
>  }
>  static dc_status_t
> +cressi_leonardo_transfer_prepare (cressi_leonardo_device_t *device,
> dc_context_t *context)
> +{
> +	// Set the RTS line.
> +	dc_status_t status = dc_serial_set_rts (device->port, 1);
> +	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +		ERROR (context, "Failed to set the RTS line.");
> +		return status;
> +	}
> +
> +	// Set the DTR line.
> +	status = dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 1);
> +	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +		ERROR (context, "Failed to set the DTR line.");
> +		return status;
> +	}
> +
> +	dc_serial_sleep (device->port, 200);
> +
> +	// Clear the DTR line.
> +	status = dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 0);
> +	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +		ERROR (context, "Failed to clear the DTR line.");
> +		return status;
> +	}
> +
> +	dc_serial_sleep (device->port, 100);
> +	dc_serial_purge (device->port, DC_DIRECTION_ALL);
> +	return status;
> +}
> +
> +static dc_status_t
>  cressi_leonardo_transfer (cressi_leonardo_device_t *device, const
> unsigned char command[], unsigned int csize, unsigned char answer[],
> unsigned int asize)
>  {
>  	unsigned int nretries = 0;
> @@ -197,39 +241,13 @@ cressi_leonardo_device_open (dc_device_t **out,
> dc_context_t *context, const cha
>  		goto error_close;
>  	}
> -	// Set the timeout for receiving data (1000 ms).
> -	status = dc_serial_set_timeout (device->port, 1000);
> +	// Set the timeout for receiving data (3000 ms).
> +	status = dc_serial_set_timeout (device->port, 3000);
>  	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
>  		ERROR (context, "Failed to set the timeout.");
>  		goto error_close;
>  	}
> -	// Set the RTS line.
> -	status = dc_serial_set_rts (device->port, 1);
> -	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> -		ERROR (context, "Failed to set the RTS line.");
> -		goto error_close;
> -	}
> -
> -	// Set the DTR line.
> -	status = dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 1);
> -	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> -		ERROR (context, "Failed to set the DTR line.");
> -		goto error_close;
> -	}
> -
> -	dc_serial_sleep (device->port, 200);
> -
> -	// Clear the DTR line.
> -	status = dc_serial_set_dtr (device->port, 0);
> -	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> -		ERROR (context, "Failed to clear the DTR line.");
> -		goto error_close;
> -	}
> -
> -	dc_serial_sleep (device->port, 100);
> -	dc_serial_purge (device->port, DC_DIRECTION_ALL);
> -
>  	*out = (dc_device_t *) device;
> @@ -332,29 +350,56 @@ cressi_leonardo_device_dump (dc_device_t
> *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
>  	progress.maximum = SZ_MEMORY;
>  	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);
> -	// Send the command header to the dive computer.
> -	const unsigned char command[] = {0x7B, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x44, 0x42,
> 0x41, 0x7d};
> -	status = dc_serial_write (device->port, command, sizeof (command), 
> NULL);
> -	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> -		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to send the command.");
> -		return status;
> +	for (int attempt = 0; attempt < MAXRETRIES; ++attempt) {
> +		// Send the ping command to the dive computer.
> +		unsigned char tmp[PING_LENGTH] = {0};
> +		status = cressi_leonardo_device_read(abstract, PING_ADDRESS, tmp,
> sizeof(tmp));
> +		if (status == DC_STATUS_SUCCESS)
> +			break;
>  	}
> -	// Receive the header packet.
> -	unsigned char header[7] = {0};
> -	status = dc_serial_read (device->port, header, sizeof (header), 
> NULL);
>  	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> -		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the answer.");
> +		ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to ping device.");
>  		return status;
>  	}
> -	// Verify the header packet.
> -	const unsigned char expected[] = {0x7B, 0x21, 0x44, 0x35, 0x42, 0x33, 
> 0x7d};
> -	if (memcmp (header, expected, sizeof (expected)) != 0) {
> -		ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected answer byte.");
> +	for (int attempt = 0; attempt < MAXRETRIES; ++attempt) {
> +		status = cressi_leonardo_transfer_prepare (device, 
> abstract->context);
> +		if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to prepare device for 
> transfer.");
> +			continue;
> +		}
> +
> +		// Send the command header to the dive computer.
> +		const unsigned char command[] = {0x7B, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x44,
> 0x42, 0x41, 0x7d};
> +		status = dc_serial_write (device->port, command, sizeof (command), 
> NULL);
> +		if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to send the command.");
> +			continue;
> +		}
> +
> +		// Receive the header packet.
> +		unsigned char header[7] = {0};
> +		status = dc_serial_read (device->port, header, sizeof (header), 
> NULL);
> +		if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
> +			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to receive the answer.");
> +			continue;
> +		}
> +
> +		// Verify the header packet.
> +		const unsigned char expected[] = {0x7B, 0x21, 0x44, 0x35, 0x42, 
> 0x33, 0x7d};
> +		if (memcmp (header, expected, sizeof (expected)) != 0) {
> +			ERROR (abstract->context, "Unexpected answer byte.");
> +			status = DC_STATUS_PROTOCOL;
> +			continue;
> +		}
> +
> +		break;
>  	}
> +	if (status != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS)
> +		return status;
> +
>  	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
>  	unsigned int nbytes = 0;

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