shearwater Perdix AI

Janice McLaughlin janice at
Wed Nov 30 13:44:21 PST 2016

The Shearwater website says that the Perdix AI requires Bluetooth LE. There is no “pairing” per se in LE, it’s just communication and looking for specific CBUUID’s or unique numbers that a peripheral advertises that it does. There are no real “profiles” in LE either so there is no "serial port profile" so no serial port for libdivecomputer to use.


> On Nov 30, 2016, at 12:07 PM, Jon Gross <jong at> wrote:
> One other note:
> The Perdix AI uses bluetooth LE (smart?), which apparently (I'm still coming up to speed on the  on bluetooth) requires the pairing to happen via the software, rather than pairing via the OS bluetooth controls as 'older' bluetooth does?
> I'm reading through the libdivecomputer sources, and I'm not seeing any reference to code that does this initial device communication, but I might not have found it yet.
> Is native bluetooth on OS X a thing in libdivecomputer, or does libdivecomputer still require a serial port?
> If it requires a serial port, then I think I'm stuck before I start, since I don't see a way to get the device paired and a serial port set up before trying to run the dctool downloads.
> -jon
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 9:00 AM Jon Gross <jong at> wrote:
> I forgot to bring it to work with me this morning, but I'll give this a whirl when I get home, thank you.
> -jon
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:34 AM Jef Driesen <jef at> wrote:
> On 2016-11-30 08:25, Anton Lundin wrote:
> > On 29 November, 2016 - Jon Gross wrote:
> >
> >> I have in my greedy little hands a Shearwater Perdix AI computer,
> >> which
> >> Shearwater says shares the same firmware with the Perdix and the
> >> Petrel,
> >> but it will have air consumption (if equipped with a sender).
> >>
> >> Is there anything I can send a developer that would help with support
> >> or
> >> this?  I didn't see it in the list of supported computers.
> >>
> >
> > As far as I've read between the lines, there is a new protocol for
> > downloading data containing the pressure sensor. The old sample format
> > have no space left for any more data to be added to it.
> >
> > I guess that the new device still supports the older download protocols
> > from the Predator and Petrel, so just try do select Petrel and
> > download.
> > You should get logs from your computer, but without data from the
> > pressure sensor.
> Indeed, try first with the petrel protocol to see what we get there:
> dctool -v -l petrel.log -f petrel download -f raw -o dive.%n.bin
> <serialport>
> This will dump the individual dives to disk and allow us to have a look
> at the raw data.
> Jef
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