[PATCH] Dump function for the OSTC3

Anton Lundin glance at acc.umu.se
Sat Apr 25 09:33:28 PDT 2015

This adds a dump function for the ostc3 series computers. This function
dumps the whole external eprom, that contains the dive-headers and the
dive data.

Signed-off-by: Anton Lundin <glance at acc.umu.se>

I haven't seen the code for the simulator, but the relevant parts are
that the dive headers are located at:
    ; 1st: 200000h-2000FFh
    ; 2nd: 201000h-2010FFh
    ; 3rd: 202000h-2020FFh
    ; 100: 264000h-2640FFh
    ; 256: 2FF000h-2FF0FFh

And in those headers at byte 2 and 5 are the pointers to where in the memory
the actual dive profile are, in little endian.

It shouldn't be too hard to write simulator code for that.

 src/hw_ostc3.c | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/hw_ostc3.c b/src/hw_ostc3.c
index a5f96bf..4487d15 100644
--- a/src/hw_ostc3.c
+++ b/src/hw_ostc3.c
@@ -109,15 +109,17 @@ static const unsigned char ostc3_key[16] = {
 static dc_status_t hw_ostc3_device_set_fingerprint (dc_device_t *abstract, const unsigned char data[], unsigned int size);
+static dc_status_t hw_ostc3_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer);
 static dc_status_t hw_ostc3_device_foreach (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_dive_callback_t callback, void *userdata);
 static dc_status_t hw_ostc3_device_close (dc_device_t *abstract);
+static dc_status_t hw_ostc3_firmware_block_read (hw_ostc3_device_t *device, unsigned int addr, unsigned char block[], unsigned int block_size);
 static const dc_device_vtable_t hw_ostc3_device_vtable = {
 	hw_ostc3_device_set_fingerprint, /* set_fingerprint */
 	NULL, /* read */
 	NULL, /* write */
-	NULL, /* dump */
+	hw_ostc3_device_dump, /* dump */
 	hw_ostc3_device_foreach, /* foreach */
 	hw_ostc3_device_close /* close */
@@ -443,6 +445,65 @@ hw_ostc3_device_set_fingerprint (dc_device_t *abstract, const unsigned char data
+static dc_status_t
+hw_ostc3_device_dump (dc_device_t *abstract, dc_buffer_t *buffer)
+	hw_ostc3_device_t *device = (hw_ostc3_device_t *) abstract;
+	// Erase the current contents of the buffer.
+	if (!dc_buffer_clear (buffer)) {
+		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
+	}
+	// Make sure the device is in service mode
+	dc_status_t rc = hw_ostc3_device_init (device, SERVICE);
+	if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+		return rc;
+	}
+	// Enable progress notifications.
+	dc_event_progress_t progress = EVENT_PROGRESS_INITIALIZER;
+	//unsigned int size = (RB_LOGBOOK_SIZE * RB_LOGBOOK_COUNT) + SZ_MEMORY;
+	unsigned int size = 0x400000;
+	progress.maximum = size;
+	device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);
+	// Allocate the required amount of memory.
+	if (!dc_buffer_resize (buffer, size)) {
+		ERROR (abstract->context, "Insufficient buffer space available.");
+	}
+	unsigned char *data = dc_buffer_get_data (buffer);
+	unsigned int nbytes = 0;
+	while (nbytes < size) {
+		// packet size. Can be almost arbetary size.
+		unsigned int len = 4096;
+		// Limit the packet size to the total size.
+		if (nbytes + len > size)
+			len = size - nbytes;
+		// Read a block
+		rc = hw_ostc3_firmware_block_read (device, nbytes, data + nbytes, len);
+		if (rc != DC_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
+			ERROR (abstract->context, "Failed to read block.");
+			return rc;
+		}
+		// Update and emit a progress event.
+		progress.current += len;
+		device_event_emit (abstract, DC_EVENT_PROGRESS, &progress);
+		nbytes += len;
+	}
 hw_ostc3_device_version (dc_device_t *abstract, unsigned char data[], unsigned int size)

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