[PATCH 05/11] Add utility functions to convert uints to bytes

Jef Driesen jef at libdivecomputer.org
Mon Dec 15 08:22:35 PST 2014

On 21-11-14 21:28, Anton Lundin wrote:
>   unsigned int
> +uint32_le_array (const unsigned int input, unsigned char data[])

The array part in the function name is supposed to be the file prefix. So in 
that regard your functions are named a bit strange. Can you rename them to 
array_uintXX_{le,be}_set? And while doing that, swap the order of the two 
parameters, and make the function return value void.

> +	data[0] = input & 0xFF;
> +	data[1] = input >>  8 & 0xFF;
> +	data[2] = input >> 16 & 0xFF;
> +	data[3] = input >> 24 & 0xFF;

I also like to see parentheses around the shift. Not strictly necessary, but it 
leaves no doubt for the reader.


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