aeris epic - incorrect depth and time in samples

Jef Driesen jefdriesen at
Sun May 6 09:03:51 UTC 2012

On 05/06/2012 07:24 AM, Chad Burt wrote:
> I'm having some trouble using the "universal" sample with my Aeris
> Epic dive computer. After running, I get what appears to be correct
> information for each dive, except for the samples. The depth is always
> 11.41, and despite the fact that my sampling interval is set to 1
> second I only get a sample for every two seconds:
> <sample>
>     <time>00:04</time>
>     <vendor type="5" size="8">5A0057025A005702</vendor>
>     <temperature>24.44</temperature>
>     <pressure tank="0">0.00</pressure>
>     <depth>11.41</depth>
> </sample>
> <sample>
>     <time>00:06</time>
>     <vendor type="5" size="8">5A00570257005702</vendor>
>     <temperature>24.44</temperature>
>     <pressure tank="0">0.00</pressure>
>     <depth>11.41</depth>
> </sample>
> I've compiled the samples on my machine and used the pre-built
> binaries with the same result. I've also used the plugin from
> to connect to my computer as well and had the same
> problem. MacDive imports them just fine though. Odd, since I
> understand both of these apps use libdivecomputer.
> I'd very much appreciate any help. I'm hoping to develop some software
> for analyzing this xml output as well as UDCF from the perspective of
> the freediver. I've got some ideas for organization and visualization
> that I think will be a lot more useful than the typical scuba-focused
> software provides.

Macdive uses libdivecomputer for downloading, but not for parsing. This is 
mainly because in the early days, the libdivecomputer parsing support wasn't 
really ready yet. Normally we are in perfect sync, but sometimes a small 
difference like this pops up. I'll check with Nick.

Could you send me a memory dump of your device? That will help to investigate 
and fix the problem. Just run the pre-build binary and send me the generated 
dump and logfile.


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